Motion is my least favourite area of photography, but it’s also my favourite. The countless shots, shutter-speed adjustments, and angle-changing is all worth it once you achieve that perfect shot.
For the following pictures, I used a variation of shutter speeds. While low shutter speeds (1/6) capture motion well, it often allows too much light, and my pictures turned out to be nothing more than a white-light blur. I had to find that balance that allowed me to capture motion, and also adequate lighting.
While I enjoy capturing sport shots, my favourite motion shots are candid, everyday moments that some people might not even consider ‘motion’ or ‘action’. The following two pictures that were shot from behind are probably my favourite. The one featuring two children was taken on a casual walk in my neighborhood. The second one was taken while crossing a glass-enclosed bridge to the Boeing Museum of Flight air field. It has an almost vortex-like feeling to it.
Some of my shots had humorous outcomes. For example, I had taken multiple pictures of the boys playing volleyball. I didn't realize until later that Kari had managed to appear in the bottom left corner of all of them. I love how oblivious she is to the action around her.
For in Him we live and move and have our being.
Acts 17:28
Tourists cross the T. Evans Wyckoff Memorial Bridge as hundreds flock to see the newly-restored Boeing 747 jet belonging to the Museum of Flight.
Amy and Ryan enjoy a summer stroll with their puppy, Ruby (not pictured) yesterday afternoon.
Members of Super Sonic Youth take to the floor under a disco ball at their year-end dance party last week.
Left to right: Taylor, Melody, Leah, and Kursty all participated in a beach-photo shoot featuring local talent and locations last Friday. Proceeds from the shoot will be donated to the Wellness Animal Centre.
Zeke and Sable show off their bike-riding skills at the Village's first-annual childrens bike race last Saturday.
Over a dozen youngsters competed in the annual sack-race at the Oceanside church family picnic Sunday afternoon. Participants and winners alike received chocolate gold-medals.
Kari Miller, age 3, is completely oblivious to the intense volleyball game going on behind her Sunday afternoon. People of all ages took advantage of the beautiful weather to enjoy some volleyball and picnicking.